In England and Wales on April 10, two parallel consultation processes will begin on the issue of agricultural rents, which will be based on the report of the Tenants Advocacy Group.
The Farmer Tenants Association welcomed the start of the consultation, although not all recommendations of the TRIG Leasing Reform Industry Group (TRIG) will be included in the consultation agenda.
The consultations will contain some “radical proposals” according to the Libertarian Human Rights Defender Group in the United Kingdom (TFA), including a plan that allows tenants to sell their interest through a lease to help retire and restructure.
There are also plans to give tenants more leverage than “restrictive” clauses, which, according to TFA, do not allow these tenants to diversify or enter into specific schemes.
The TFA argues that landowners should be able to obtain exemption from inheritance tax on agricultural property if they lease land for 10 years or more, and not for lease of any duration, as at present.
In conclusion, George Dunn, TFA Executive Director, said: “Since farmers currently lease almost half of all leases and more than 80% of all new leases are concluded for five or less years, we risk moving into a very short term environment.” which is not conducive to commerce or the production of public goods. "