Interest in the organic cultivation of this crop is due to its increased profitability. The price of organic hops is one and a half to two times higher than the price of hops grown according to traditional agricultural technology, and this is with almost the same yield.
However, the cultivation of organic hops in Ukraine is constrained by a number of legal, financial and economic problems.
First of all, this is the lack of farms that are integrated in the production of organic products. There are also problems of biological protection of hops, deficiency of “organic humus”, nitrogen, phosphorus and natural potassium.
However, the main problem is the lack of cultivation technology that would be adapted to local soil and climatic conditions.
Having studied the current situation in detail, specialists from the Institute of Agriculture of Polesie of the NAAS began researching the features of the technological process of growing organic hops. As a sideral crop, in the hop arrays, oil radish, lupine, and dun-oat mixture were planted. Green fertilizers are an affordable, constantly renewable source of organic matter. According to scientific research, the introduction of 20-30 tons per hectare of green mass of green manure provides an effect equivalent to the application of the same amount of humus. But at the same time, the cost of growing green manure is 2.5 times lower.