In 2018, in all the soil-climatic zones of Ukraine, a wide spread of Fusarium spike of winter wheat was observed, which threatens winter crops this year.
As scientists at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine predict that in 2019 the university staff made this conclusion based on the data on the initial infection stock accumulated over the past 2-3 years on crop rotation fields and the bioecological characteristics of the pathogens.
Scientists expect the greatest damage to winter wheat crops in the zones of Polesie and Lesostepi, provided that there is warm (13-24 ° C) and humid weather (80-100%) with frequent precipitation in the form of rain and heavy dew.In the flowering-milk ripeness phase, an average and severe damage to the ear is possible. In some parts of the Steppe zone of Ukraine, a slight infection of winter wheat with Fusarium is predicted.
Spike contamination with the fungus will take place during the milk ripeness of the grain, provided that a significant amount of precipitation and high humidity, as well as total solar radiation of 475-727 mJ / sq. m